Post Offices Open Late Until Midnight Tax Day?

April 7, 2024

Is your local Post Office open late on Tax Day 2024? Does the Post Office offer extended hours and/or a midnight pickup on Monday, April 15? Don’t count on it!

Gone are the days when workers stood outside Post Offices with mail sacks, collecting last-minute tax returns up to the 12:00AM midnight Tax Day deadline. This year, many Post Offices have normal hours of operation.

According to the IRS, most taxpayers now file their returns electronically. Because of this, there isn’t nearly as big of a need for Post Offices to stay open late on Tax Day as there used to be. Factor in the recent budget-cutting measures which are closing locations and cutting hours, and you can understand why most Post Offices are no longer open late or until midnight on Tax Day.

Best advice? File your tax return electronically. If that’s not possible, be sure to get to the Post Office during their regular business hours. If all else fails and you’re not going to make it by closing time, search online for a Post Office that has extended hours. Some Post Offices are still open late on Tax Day, but that number becomes smaller every year.

Be sure not to miss the April 15th deadline! After you’ve finished and filed your taxes, be sure to take advantage of the Tax Day freebies and special deals being offered by stores and restaurants. You’ll find them all right here on!