This winter promotion was active previously but has NOT been confirmed for 2026. I will keep watching to see if it or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often!
Everyone loves Wieinerschnitzel Chili Dogs! When they’re priced at just $1 each, they’re impossible to resist. Come in to Wieinerschnitzel this Sunday and enjoy 7 of their famous Chili Dogs for just $7.00. Perfect for feeding the family or friends stopping by to watch The Big Game.
Get as many as you like, as many as your crew can handle, just one dollar each when you purchase in multiples of 7 for $7.00. You can’t lose with this Wieinerschnitzel cheap food deal! Mark your calendars because this special is available for one day only.
Offer valid only on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at participating locations. Cheese extra. Most Wieinerschnitzel German restaurants will be open regular hours on Presidents Day (Monday, February 19.)