Eat FREE Sam’s Club Weekend Food Samples

March 29, 2025

Sam’s Club is a great place to stock up on large quantities of the stuff you use every day. Most of us know that Sam’s Club is also a great source of FREE FOOD! What? You didn’t know about the free samples at Sam’s?

Sam’s Club regularly offers free samples of promotional grocery items which are being sold in the stores. The hope is that you will like what you taste enough to buy some product. Usually, the items being displayed by vendors are being sold at a special sale price. Free food samples can be found most anytime at Sam’s. However, they are most numerous on Saturday and Sunday mornings. These are peak shopping times, so it makes sense this is where we would find the best offerings.

What kind of free eats can be found at Sam’s? Last time I was there, I enjoyed all of the following: pulled pork, pot stickers, turkey bacon, watermelon, blueberries, raspberries, soup & crackers, sushi, cinnamon rolls, Hershey kisses, hot dogs, popcorn, cheese corn, and caramel corn! Yes, these are only sample sizes. But if you take some time and sample everything, you can easily make a lunch out of it. Truth be told, I come for this practically every weekend. Why? Because I’m a cheapskate! The only thing better than cheap food deals is FREE food!

Items to be sampled change daily, so you never know for sure what you’re going to find. But that’s what makes it interesting. If you’re not doing anything for lunch this weekend, head to Sam’s Club and check out the free food samples!