Menards Tax Refund Check 5% Bonus

March 1, 2025

This archived promotion was active previously but has NOT been confirmed for 2025. I will keep watching to see if it or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often!

Hopefully, your income tax refund check is on the way. Bring it to Menards and save an additional 5% on nearly everything in the store! Here’s how it works:

– Bring in your tax refund check OR a copy of your bank statement which shows the state or federal tax refund that was electronically deposited in your account.

– Exchange it for a Menards Merchandise Credit Check

– Receive a Menards Merchandise Credit Check for 5% more than your refund! For example, if your tax refund was $1,000, you would receive a Credit Check for $1,050.

Complete details available at any store or online at Offer valid on tax refund checks for the current year, for a limited time. Most Menards stores will be open holiday hours on Memorial Day (Monday, May 25.)