McDonald’s March App Offers 1/2 Price Nuggets

March 14, 2025

Welcome to March, McDonald’s deal lovers! This month, 10pc Chicken McNuggets for 50% off tops the list of app-only promotions! As always, offers vary by geographic region, so be sure to check your app before heading to the restaurant.

This month, there are 9 inflation-fighting McDonald’s mobile app offers awaiting your arrival:

– 50% off 10pc Chicken McNuggets (valid once per day)
– 40% off Cheeseburger or Double Cheeseburger (valid once per day)
– Buy one Sausage McMuffin with Egg, get one FREE (valid 3 times per day)
– $1.29 any size fries (valid once per day)
– $2.00 Breakfast Sandwich (valid once per day)
– $6.00 Select Medium Combo Meal (valid 2 times per week)
– $9.99 20pc Chicken McNuggets Bundle (valid once per day)
– 20% off any purchase of $11.00 or more (valid once per day, not valid with any other offer)
– FREE 10pc Chicken McNuggets with minimum purchase of $15.00 (valid 3 times per day)

All of these deals are available exclusively on McDonald’s Mobile App. Limit 1 per person per day at participating restaurants. Specific promotional offers may vary by location.

I will keep watching to see if 2 for $6 or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often! Most McDonald’s restaurants will be open regular hours on Easter Sunday, April 20.