Cub Foods 4th of July Sale $2.50 Soda 12 Packs

February 6, 2025

This archived July 4th promotion was active previously but has NOT been confirmed for 2025. I will keep watching to see if it or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often!

There are 5 times each year to buy soda pop: the week before Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas/New Year’s. Many stores will sell sodas at or below cost during these times. The purpose is to get you into the store where they hope you will then purchase all your other holiday groceries and party items from them.

Cub Foods is featuring ALL major brands: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Diet Sprite, Mello Yello, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Mountain Dew, A&W Root Beer, 7-Up, and other select varieties, four 12 packs for $10.00 in most markets. That’s just $2.50 each! Given the substantial price increases we’ve seen on soda over the past few years, this is about as cheap as you’ll find Pepsi 12 packs. According to the newspaper insert, there is a limit of 4 and you must buy 4. This 4th of July, NO coupon is required and there is no minimum purchase requirement. Stock up at the 4 for $10.00 sale price and make sure you have enough to last until Labor Day!

6 packs of 16.9 ounce bottles and 8 packs of 12 ounce bottles are also available at the same low price.

Offer valid through July 5, 2014 at participating locations. Most Cub Foods stores will be open holiday hours on Independence Day (Friday, July 4) and open holiday hours on Labor Day (Saturday, September 1.) Don’t miss the annual Cub Foods 4th of July Sale!