Green Mill Easter Sunday Brunch Menu

March 28, 2025

Green Mill is more than just great pizza. Start an Easter tradition with the Green Mill Easter Sunday Brunch! They will be serving all your favorites, plus a few special surprises. This year, let Green Mill do the cooking while you enjoy your holiday with family and friends. Green Mill’s Easter Sunday Brunch menu includes all of these delicious specialties:

Chef-Carved Prime Rib
Baked Ham
Chicken Scampi
Desert Fire Pasta
Trottole Alfredo
French Toast
Scrambled Eggs
Parmesan Hash Browns
Green Bean Almondine
Caesar Salad
Seasonal Fruit
Pecan Craisin Salad
Pepperoni Pizza
Breakfast Pizza
Veggie Pizza
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Mini Éclair
Caramel Roll

…plus much more!

Serving times and pricing varies by location. Contact your favorite restaurant for complete details. Reservations are strongly recommended as this event fills up quickly. Most Green Mill restaurants will be open holiday hours on Memorial Day (Monday, May 26.)