Chevy’s Fresh Mex Tax Day Sales Tax PAID

March 29, 2025

This archived Tax Day promotion was active previously but has NOT been confirmed for 2025. I will keep watching to see if it or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often!

Come in to Chevy’s Fresh Mex on Tax Day and sales tax on your meal is paid by Chevy’s. In fact, Chevy’s will pay your sales tax all week! This represents a savings of anywhere from 4-11%, depending on the restaurant tax rate in your area! Choose your favorite menu items and the sales tax is on the house this week at Chevy’s Fresh Mex!

Offer valid through Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at participating restaurants. Most Chevy’s Fresh Mex locations will be closed on Easter Sunday, April 20 and open holiday hours on Memorial Day (Monday, May 26.)