This promotion was active last year but has NOT been confirmed for 2025. I will keep watching to see if it or a similar offer returns. As soon as I receive further information, this page will be updated. Be sure to check back often!
The Los Angeles Rams got a 4th Down Stop yesterday! In their honor, YOU enjoy FREE Rampage Nachos from El Torito with any purchase. What a great way to celebrate the LA Rams and reward their fans. Just stop in to El Torito and say “FREE NACHOS!” to get your free nachos!
If you’ve never had Rampage Nachos, you’re in for a real treat! Enjoy warm chips, melted cheese, refried beans, and guajillo chile sauce. This El Torito creation is topped with fresh jalapeños, tomatoes, green onions and guacamole. It’s yours free when you say “FREE NACHOS!” to your server.
Offer valid through Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at participating locations. Dine-in only, no carryouts. Limit 1 free Nachos Supremos with purchase per table, per visit. Not valid in conjunction with any other coupon or special promotional discount. Most El Torito Mexican restaurants will be open regular hours on MLK Day (Monday, January 15.)